Meg Robinson
Meg Robinson
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Bell City CrossFit is a local CrossFit gym in Bristol, CT. Schedule a no-sweat intro to tour our facility!
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Q: When did you first hear about CrossFit and how did you get started?
I remember my friend telling me about it in 2012 and it sounded interesting, but I was nervous to try it. I had conversations with my then roommate about wanting to try it out and she said she had been a member at Bell City in the past and really liked it. It took me until September 2013 to work up the courage to drop in, but I am so glad I did.
Q: Why did you stick with it?
Anyone who knows me knows I enjoy running. I'd run or do the elliptical 5 days a week, but I wasn't seeing many results. I wanted to get stronger and work different muscle groups and I stuck with CrossFit because it does just that.
Q: What do you enjoy most about Bell City CrossFit?
I love the community. It sounds crazy, but I actually enjoy waking up early to go to the 6:30 AM class. The people are so encouraging and upbeat and it's just a really great start to my day.
Q: Most and least favorite lift?
My favorite movement is probably a clean and jerk. I don't have a specific reason why, but I just always love when it's programmed. My least favorite is easily dead-lift. I realize it's the most practical movement, but I have a tendency of arching my back (I've been working on my form!), but I just never really enjoy doing it.
Q. What do you train for?
Life! I don't really train for anything specific, but I do enjoy pushing myself to see how much better I can be and just being healthy in general. As I mentioned before, I enjoy running and it's cool to see how much better of a runner I've become by building more muscle in CrossFit. I also find CrossFit to be a great form of stress relief!
Q: What is your greatest CrossFit success story?
I'll start broad and say any time we repeat a workout and I beat my old time is an accomplishment. It's so encouraging to see yourself making progress whether it be by 2 seconds or 2 minutes. More specifically, I'd say my most memorable accomplishment was stringing together toes to bar. I'd stay after class and try to practice just getting the rhythm down and about 2 months ago I was practicing and it just clicked! I did 10 in a row and that remains my personal best :)
Q: What do you do for work?
I am an Associate Producer at ESPN. I work in the feature department which means I do a lot of storytelling. My main sport is college football, so I spend most of my fall traveling to different campuses, interviewing players and coaches and sharing their stories on College GameDay.
Q: What do you do for fun with you’re not at the gym?
I really enjoy baking (I'm sure the morning people hate me for forcing them to eat cupcakes right after a WOD) and I love to travel. I try to hit a new country every year. The plan for 2020 is Greece!
Q: What advice would you give to someone interested in CrossFit, but not sure it’s the right fit for them?
The athletes you see on TV ARE NOT the athletes you find in the gym. Their job is to train and only train so don't think you are going to walk into this place where everyone is super intense and have 12 pack abs. Don't be intimidated by movements because everything can be modified to fit your abilities. Lastly, give it more than one class to make up your mind. CrossFit is constantly varied so the first workout you try might not be in your wheelhouse. If you try a second day, you might find you're better at those movements and like it more.
Q: Favorite breakfast meal?
Breakfast is probably my favorite meal of the day. At home, I make a lot of egg white and veggie scrambles. If I'm going out, I'm most likely to order eggs Benedict (except the last 6 weeks when I've been in the Zone, go team!). I also don't eat them very often, but I will never say no to a good cinnamon roll!
Congratulations Meg, and thank you for sharing your story!
When you see Meg at Bell City, be sure to give her a high-five and congratulate her!!!
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