Scott Kleinschmidt

Scott Kleinschmidt

MOTQ: Q2-2023

Scott Kleinschmidt

Scott Kleinschmidt

MOTQ: Q2-2023

Schedule your no-sweat intro

Bell City CrossFit is a local CrossFit gym in Bristol, CT. Schedule a no-sweat intro to tour our facility!

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Group class participants surrounding the coach

Q: When did you first hear about CrossFit and how did you get started?

I first heard about Bell City back in 2014 from a previous Coach about trying CrossFit out. I didn’t put much thought into it because I just liked heavy lifting and didn’t want to change up my routine. After some time, I was starting to get bored and feeling like my workouts were stale and needed a new challenge. I followed up with my initial intro session to learn more about CrossFit. I made my decision to step out of my comfort zone and give it a try thinking I will do it for a month or two and worst case just learn a few things to do in my regular gym. I found out quickly that it’s not just learning how to do a few new Olympic lifts but being in a new environment that offers a fun and exciting way to exercise.

Q: Why did you stick with it?

I have stuck with CrossFit because I enjoy the challenge that is offered at every class. When I first started, I had a general background in weightlifting but there were a lot of movements that took some time to get down and then eventually perfect. No matter your skill level anyone can incorporate CrossFit into their lives. It’s very rewarding when you push yourself and achieve a goal you may have set out for yourself. What keeps you going also is when you see your body changing and learning new skills. It’s a good addiction and the variation of workouts keeps things fresh and fun.

Q: What do you enjoy most about Bell City CrossFit?

My favorite part about Bell City is how genuine all the Coaches and other Members are when it comes to fitness goals. No one ever pushes you to be someone you’re not there to be. Encouragement and support are in abundance, and you have a lot of resources available when you want to learn more about how to take your fitness goals to the next level. Nicole and Melissa play a huge role in coaching and programming workouts and the rest of the Cxoaches are also CrossFit certified and have made this a huge part of their lives for many years. Everyone truly loves what they do and so it makes it easy to stay motivated and show up for class. It does take a while to learn some of the movements, but every class is almost like a personal training session where they always give you proper instruction on the daily workout. They are always more than happy to help you get through a workout by offering modifications to allow you to get through it. If there is a part of your body that may need some attention, they can recommend a stretch or exercise that will help.

Q: Most and least favorite lift?

Least Favorite is the assault bike.
Most favorite are power cleans or hang cleans.

Q. What do you train for?

I am focused on getting the most out of my workouts and maintaining my current strength. Making sure I rest and recover properly to avoid injuries at my age. I do this by stretching and incorporating occasional yoga outside the gym and getting massages. I still try to challenge my fitness during a workout but I’m always cautious to avoid injury by scaling down weight or reps because some days you just don’t have it. It can be fun to get a new PR but as you get older it’s all about staying active.

Q: What is your greatest CrossFit success story?

When you first join, you have a lot of memorable moments because not a lot of us have a gymnastic background, so many of the movements are totally foreign and are all memorable when you finally get them. One memory that is fresh in my mind is being able to do my first bar muscle up! This movement has been difficult for some reason for years and then something clicked in my practice, and I was finally able to get them. The feeling of accomplishment when you finally can achieve something that you put sweat and hard work into is the greatest feeling and never gets old even after being here for close to 10 years.

Q: What do you do for work?

I work in an office as an Account Manager for an HVAC company as well as work when needed at a golf course I have been at since I was 16.

Q: What do you do for fun with you’re not at the gym?

When I am not in the gym, I like to spend time with my wife Nina and our pets. We have a French Bulldog and two of the best Himalayan cats. I love all kinds of sports and cars. I golf and love to be outside and travel when we can. There’s nothing better than a good steak so I’m always grilling outdoors even in the winter. I want to learn how to smoke meat so that’s been on my list of things to learn. I’m also always picking up new handyman skills around my house and working on my cars.

Q: What advice would you give to someone interested in CrossFit, but not sure it’s the right fit for them?

The toughest thing for most people is to get out of their comfort zone and try something new and different. Workouts are programmed by the Coaches, and they change day to day being constantly varied so they don’t feel mundane and repetitive. I’m not gonna lie, CrossFit workouts can be really tough, and doubt may creep into your mind if you can even do this. This is why when you stick with it and complete a workout you feel a great sense of accomplishment. It is cool to see where you can take your fitness goals and to see your progress. Seeing results and progress is what it’s all about and over the past 10 years doing CrossFit has motivated me to continue working towards my goals.

Q: Favorite breakfast meal?

I’m very basic when it comes to breakfast. Every morning I have a bunch of eggs, a piece of toast and black coffee. But when I wanna indulge, I’ll add blueberry pancakes or French toast.​

Congratulations Scott, and thank you for sharing your story!  

When you see Scott at Bell City, be sure to give him a high-five and congratulate him!!!

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Knowing who to talk to or where to start when you're trying to improve your health and wellness can be challenging.  We're here to help!

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