We just wrapped up our strength cycle deload week, with the goal of allowing a bit of recovery while also focusing on flawless technique and execution. This week, we'll see how our wave loading cycle over the past 4-weeks has served us as we take 20-22 minutes to build to a 1-rep heavy, RPE 10 Push Jerk, Deadlift and Back Squat.
Have a plan and a goal as you head into this week's tests. Use your 20-22 minute clock to warm-up properly and set yourself up for success in your heavy attempts. Let's see some quality, STRONG, full range of motion lifts during this week's tests!
This week, we can also look forward to synchro burpees in Tuesday's partner workout, power snatches and gymnastics pulling practice on Wednesday, a great Cardio of Choice + Slamball GRIND on Thursday and the benchmark workout "Tombstone" on Saturday! 🥵
Please remember to bring in new, unwrapped toys to the gym for children aged 1-12 years old to support the Bristol Police Department's Annual Toy Drive. All toys will be donated to the Salvation Army and distributed to local families in need. Last day for drop-off at the gym is this Saturday, December 16th!
Burpee Challengers, the end is near!! Today is Day # 88, only 12 days and 1,222 burpees remaining until you've successfully completed the 100-day, 5,050 burpee challenge!
Here's your weekly rundown:
• MONDAY: (EFFORT) Take 20:00 to build to a heavy 1-rep Push Jerk (RPE 10), AMRAP x 8 Minutes Jump Rope, Push Jerks
• TUESDAY: (SPRINT) Take 22:00 to build to a heavy 1-rep Back Squat (RPE 10), Partner Workout! Bike + Synchro Burpees
• WEDNESDAY: (EFFORT) Power Snatches + Gymnastics Pulls, 3 Rounds for Time Power Snatch, Sit-Ups, Bar Muscle Ups or Up Down Pull Ups
• THURSDAY: (GRIND) AMRAP x 24 Minutes Max Cal Machine of Choice, Every 3:00 complete Slamball Goblet Lunges + Slamballs
• FRIDAY: (EFFORT) Take 22:00 to build to a heavy 1-rep Deadlift (RPE 10), For Time Run + Deadlift
• SATURDAY: (EFFORT) Benchmark Workout "TOMBSTONE" Every 4:00 x 4-Sets Burpee Box Jump Overs, Front Squats, Toes to Bar
• 100-Day Burpee Challenge: DAY 88!! 12-Days remaining! Thursday, September 14th through Friday, December 22nd!!
• Holiday Toy Drive: Drop-off at the gym by Saturday, December 16th
• Holiday Protein Nutrition Challenge: December 1-24st
• Bring a Friend WEEK! Monday, January 8 - Saturday, January 13th...More details coming SOON!
• BCCF Holiday Party! Sign Up NOW! Saturday, January 13th 3pm at Kinsmen. Sign-up sheet is at the gym.
Year-End Holiday Schedule
Christmas Holiday Schedule:
• Saturday, 12/23: 7am, 8am, 9am (12-Days of Christmas)
• Monday, 12/25: CLOSED
New Year's Holiday Schedule:
• Saturday, 12/30: 7am, 8am, 9am
• Monday, New Year's Day, 1/1: 7am, 8am, 9am
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Bell City CrossFit is a local CrossFit gym in Bristol, CT. Schedule a no-sweat intro to tour our facility!
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